I have a special request. For my fellow bloggers who are currently clearing their stash - please consider sending a package to someone who is in need of start up items to get back to crafting. All I'm asking is you to consider how you'd feel if you were in her shoes. And consider Paying It Forward.
Go here to read a little more:
I was very touched by this posting, as I've gone through some tough times with this crappy economy and still no job, but I've been Extremely Lucky and have won several blog candies in the past couple of years which have helped me a lot, and so I've sent one package off already, and working on another. I do have Tonya's mailing address if you want it and want the items to be a surprise. I really wanted my package to be a surprise, but of course I couldn't - I needed to know where to send it. So if you'd like to surprise her, I've asked and she's agreed I can share her mailing info with those who request it by email (mine is: terriavidreader at yahoo dot com).
Otherwise, please contact Tonya yourself through her blog and get that information.
All I'm asking is: if you have any extras or things that you aren't using, please consider making up a small package and Paying It Forward. Doesn't have to be a large package, as anything is helpful when you are basically starting out. Tonya does have colored pencils and basic card stock but not much of anything else. Think of some things you absolutely have to have, and consider sending one or two. I've already shared some of the freebie digi sites with her too.
And Thank you for considering doing this.