One of my blogging pet peeves is:
when a blog has a blog candy announcement in their sidebar and they never clean it up...
Come on, I've found blog candy listings recently on several blogs that are dated from OVER a year ago. The links are more than 365 days ago! Come on!
Now I admit I don't get mine off immediately, but they are never on there longer than a month past the blog candy win date. I always find time to go "clean up" my sidebar of announcements and things sometime during the month.
And I also HATE it when someone has their own candy, and cannot seem to announce a winner within a reasonable time of the announced closing.
I mean come on, if you post your own blog candy stating it closes on a specific day - you should announce the winner within a couple days. After all, you chose the close date. I realize sometimes something may come up, some emergency of something, but sometimes I think people just deliberately refuse to announce within a week or so to just get people coming back every day to check.
I have never signed up to follow a blog just for candy - NEVER. I don't think anyone should do that, just out of plain courtesy.
I love blog candy - don't get me wrong, but I also love finding new blogs to follow and rarely have I been so disappointed with a blog (actually, 3 times) that I discontinue following after a while. Two of those basically quit posting much - just a very few times a year, and the other one drastically switched styles of projects into something that I am not interested in at all.
Anyone want to join in - What is your pet peeve about blogging? No personal attack, no names of bloggers please - but are there things you find continually that irritate you? Things that can be readily fixed? I hate when you click on a link and it's broken, and I try to let the blogger know that too. I've had that happen to me. I'd like to know. But some people have gotten really irritated when I comment about please announce the winner already - when it's more than a week after the close date!